- 2023-07-18 12:46:21 【讲义文稿】共同富裕的科学内涵、实践探索与基本经验
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Realizing common prosperity is the shared goal of mankind who has made arduous exploration on the pursuit.
Western economics has tried to solve the problems of economic development and distribution in the capitalist relations of production,but it fails to solve the social problems of continual wealth accumulation and expanding poverty.The CPC under the guidance of Marxism has been leading the Chinese people in their century-long struggle towards modernization and common prosperity.The Party has laid the fundamental political prerequisites and material guarantees for achieving a common wealth society through establishing a socialist system and promoting industrialization.Through reform and opening up,it has stimulated the creativity of the Chinese people and pushed China into the fast lane of development,with a clear goal of common prosperity in the new era and scientifically planned path of realizing the goal.In the new journey,the CPC will solidly promote the realization of common prosperity in the course of successive struggles of furthering high-quality economic development,strengthening the material basis for achieving common prosperity,giving full play to institutional advantages,building a socialist system of distribution with Chinese characteristics,improving the quality of people’s lives,and enhancing their livelihoods and well-being.
共同富裕,是千百年来人类孜孜以求的理想。为实现共同富裕,古今中外无数仁人志士进行了艰辛探索,然而, 在生产资料私有制条件下,共同富裕根本无法实现,只有在社会主义社会,生产资料公有制才能为实现共同富裕创造根本前提。百年来,中国共产党历经艰苦奋斗,带领人民建立新中国,推进工业化,进行改革开放,使中国成为世界第二大经济体,全面建成小康社会,为开启共同富裕的现代化奠定了基础,进而明确了实现共同富裕现代化的目标和路线图, 这也使得共同富裕这一人类理想终将变为现实。
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