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摘 要:在教育部加快建设高水平本科教育、全面提高人才培养能力的背景下, “以学生为中心”的课堂教学模式到底如何进行?这是广大教师非常困惑的问题。“以学生为中心”的课堂教学模式,主要是指以学生的学习为中心,以学生的学习效果为中心。这是教育本质、日新月异科技及互联网+教育技术发展的必然需求。“以学生为中心”的教学模式并不是弱化教师的作用,而是广大教师必须站在教育者的立场,做到眼中有学生,心中有学生。同时,结合笔者自身的教学体会探讨“以学生为中心”的课堂教学的探索与实践。
Abstract: Under the background of the Ministry of Education to accelerate the construction of high-level undergraduate education and comprehensively improve the ability of talent training, how is the "student-centered" classroom training mode going out? This is a very confused problem. The "student-centered" classroom teaching model focuses on student learning and student learning effect. This is the essence of education, the inevitable demand of rapidly changing technology and Internet + education technology development. The "student-centered" teaching mode is not to weaken the role of teachers, but the majority of teachers must stand in the position of educators, so that there are students in the eyes and students in their hearts. Meanwhile, the exploration and practice of student-centered classroom teaching is discussed.
Keywords: student-centered; classroom teaching; undergraduate education; talent training
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